How to Become and STAY Motivated!


Don’t just talk, Just ACT!

Don’t just say, Just SHOW!

Don’t just promise, Just PROVE!


What is the meaning of Motivational?

 Relating to the reason or reasons for acting or behaving in a particular way. Promoting the desire or willingness to do or achieve something.


Ways to get and STAY motivated~

  • Reviewing one’s goals first thing in the morning and pick one
  • Get MOVING!
  • Cut your to-do list in half
  • Celebrate the little wins, no matter how small
  • Getting around the right people


Reviewing one’s goals first thing in the morning and pick ONE

Make a decision, a decision to go ALL the way!

Life gets in the way and distracts us from accomplishing our goals or tasks.

Make a decision to review your goals or dreams list on a daily basis. First thing in the morning is best, with a clear fresh mind. This sets the tone for how your day and your life will progress.

Select just ONE of your goals, start putting together a plan that will help you achieve and focus on your goals and dreams.

I came across an acronym not so long ago, S.M.A.R.T!

S        =       Specific

M      =       Measurable

A       =       Attainable

R       =       Realistic

T        =       Time-sensitive



Procrastination is the key element to “stealing” one’s goals and dreams. STOP! Procrastinating.

To combat procrastination so that you can stay productive and keep moving forward, MAKE yourself happy.

Ways to make yourself happy: 

  • Show gratitude
  • Surround yourself with positive people
  • Celebrate the small things in life
  • Be charitable
  • Do things that you enjoy
  • Put on some loud music and dance around the house


I don’t know what YOUR happy button is, FIND it, it will make the world of difference in your life.


Cut your to-do list in half

Having a long to-do list can be really taxing and energy draining. Cut your to-do list in half. Focus on completing the most important tasks first.

Personally, I tackle one, major to do first thing in the morning, this literally boosts my energy ten-fold and gives me the drive to complete many more tasks than I normally wood. The satisfaction of ticking a major task off your list is astounding.

Celebrate the little wins, no matter how small

Small wins may seem like just that – small. Celebrating these wins can help create positive habits. Think of it this way, small wins are progress points on your way to your goal.

How to celebrate the wins: –

  • Notice them
  • Get excited
  • Communicate your small wins
  • Reward yourself

Focusing on the small wins helps you break down a large goal into manageable chunks.


Getting around the right people

Get around people who have direction, people who have goals and plan, people who are going somewhere with their lives and have high aspirations.

Move away for negative and toxic people and environments. You do not want to be around people who moan and wine all the time. Life is too short.

Last but by no means the least, as Zig Ziglar says, You can’t scratch with the turkeys if you want to fly with the eagles.