Let me help you make your life easy! By Melinda Pennells

What can a Virtual Assistant do for you, or more importantly what can I do for you?

Let me start by telling you about my background.  I studied Business Studies in College so that specialised in all things business, they taught us speed typing, accounting, business economics, computer skills, business English and business Afrikaans. This was very helpful in terms of gaining knowledge within the business world and skills that I would be able to use once I was finished with my studies.

My work journey started off by me being employed as an Administration Assistant, that turned into me becoming the Administrative Supervisor to a team of 7 people. After that I then became an Executive Personal Assistant, I have a total of 15 years’ experience doing all types of administration tasks, and within each position my knowledge and confidence grew. By being a Virtual Assistant I feel that daily my knowledge is continually growing, I have learnt so many new skills and seen that I have talents that I never knew existed.

I currently work with two different companies on a daily basis and I know I have made their lives easier, and I know that because they have said as much. My one client said his Admin would be a mess without me and that always makes me feel good. My other client has given me all their customer care email inboxes to look after and assist their clients with any and all queries; this is on 5 different email boxes. It’s up to date with notes for follow up so if the executives read they know exactly what is going on whenever they choose to look. I organise parcels to be sent and sent back to my client. I basically do anything and everything they need me to do.

Let me list them so you can see just how much I as a VA can assist you and make your life easy!

  • Compiling of spreadsheets on Excel.
  • Compiling and formatting PowerPoint Presentations.
  • Customer Care by Email and Phone Calls.
  • Controlling, booking and managing Executives Diary.
  • Travel arrangements and all travel bookings.
  • Monthly Fleet consolidation including customer reports, loading policies, terminating policies, and recovering outstanding monies.
  • Proof reading and editing of policy documentation.
  • Transcription work.
  • Services SETA training documents capturing.
  • Expenses recons.
  • Internet research.
  • Monthly data reports.
  • Planning of work conferences for over 50 people.
  • Company Organograms.
  • Business card design and printing.
  • Letterhead design.
  • Product description writing for products to go onto websites like Takealot for selling purposes.

My Skills sets consists of the following:

Microsoft Excel (Excellent)

Microsoft Word (Excellent)

Microsoft PowerPoint (Excellent)

Microsoft Publisher (Good)

Microsoft Project (Good)

Photoshop (Beginner)

WordPress (Good)

Client Relations, Email Correspondence

Have a look at the rest of VA Connects webpage for the rest of my wonderful team mates. Contact us on hello@vaconnect.co.za and ask for me directly!