Spend a day in my life as an efficient Virtual Assistant

When I became a VA, the thought of working from home seemed idyllic.  I mean, who wouldn’t enjoy being able to get up, go for a run and have coffee before firing up the computer?  Not to mention being able to catch up with friends or wear comfy clothes all while tending to your family and work.

It didn’t take me long to realise that I needed to set myself boundaries and a routine if I were to be a top notch VA.  I know that I crave structure and social interaction in order to be productive.  As race walking has always been my go to “happy place”, I start my day with a 8km walk, breathing in fresh air and starting my day off on a positive note.

After a long walk I fire up the computer, whilst I have a well-deserved cup of coffee.  For me the need to dress for success is vital, one cannot be productive if you do not dress for success, I don’t have to don a jacket and high heels, but being clean and presentable does wonders for one’s self esteem and allows me to feel motivated throughout the day.

As I sit down at my desk strategically placed in front of the window, first thing I do is check my emails, as this will determine the type of day I will have.  Normally, whilst the emails are loading, I look out of my window at my goose splashing in his pond and that is when I feel truly blessed to be able to work from home.  I have found that setting specific work hours has helped me to establish my own unique work style.

I have learnt that I cannot be in front of the computer all day and I need to take regular breaks.  Going out during the day, goes a long way to keeping me connected with the world, a trip to the grocery store or a chat to friends at lunch time always lifts my spirits and allows me to come back to my desk after lunch refreshed and ready for what the afternoon might bring.

Every day I have a “to-do” list that I strive to get complete, this ensures that I don’t procrastinate and I maintain a steady pace throughout the day instead of a mad rush at the end of the day.  There is nothing as satisfying as crossing off a task on your list (“tick”).  Working from home allows me be able to have dinners cooked and the house cleaned as this is all part of my daily routine.  There is no greater pleasure than having the kettle boiled for when my daughter comes home in the evening.

It takes dedication to stick to a routine when there is no one there to hold you accountable, however, if you are committed and have support, a day in the life of a VA can be a wonderful experience.

For more information on Annie please visit our team page.