6 Things You Can Do to Get More Clients for Your Business

We all wish to have more clients as they are the lifeline of any business – without clients, there is no income. Therefore, we engage in all sorts of strategies to keep our pipelines full. This is all good and well, but what if you’ve tried so many things and still find it difficult to get more clients?

There’s certainly no magic pill. Finding clients takes hard work and one needs all the help they can get. One way to do that is to hire a freelancer or Virtual Assistant so that you can have all the time to focus on getting more clients for your business.

Here are six other things you can do to get more clients for your business:

1. Start blogging

Most companies use their blogs to publish company news and events. This is the wrong approach to blogging. Blogging is a great way to not only educate your audience but to lead them to purchase your products too!

Write at least one blog a week so that you can establish yourself as a thought-leader in your field. Blogs that command attention include; How to’s, Hacks, Problem Solving, Case Studies etc.

Guest blog on other industry-related sites as well. It’s a great growth hacking strategy because you can grow your business by tapping into someone else’s audience.

Blogging takes a lot of time, so we recommend that you get a blogger to write for you. Don’t know where to find one? Pop us an email (hello@vaconnect.co.za).

2. Write an Ebook

In addition to writing blogs, write the occasional Ebook. The difference between an Ebook and a blog is that an Ebook is more detailed and contains information that can help solve people’s problems. Also, people can easily save it for future reference and share it with their network.

When choosing an EBook title, go for one that grabs attention. Think about a question that you receive regularly and turn that into an e-book.

Give away the book for free, but collect email addresses before the download is permitted. You can easily do this with a plugin such as Real 3D FlipBook, eBook Store or eBook Creator. Have a look at these plugins here.

3. Submit press releases

Another way to get clients is to submit press releases to news outlets and magazine houses. It’s not easy to get accepted, but for every 10 press releases that you send out, you should at least receive one positive response.

To write the best press releases, read this article.

4. Ask for referrals

Sometimes all it takes is asking your current clients if they know anyone who would benefit from your service. Do this right now with your top clients and believe me, you will get at least one referral. If those referrals don’t need your services, ask them if they can refer other people. That’s how you create a never-ending flow of referrals.

5. Answer questions in Forums

There are clients lurking in groups and forums all the time. Forums like Quora and Yahoo Answers are examples. People ask questions looking for a solution to their problem and you may just be it. To use this strategy correctly, only answer questions related to your industry/niche and direct the person to your website for more information.

A group that I like to frequent is “I Know a Guy” on Facebook. This is a massive group where people post requests for business services. If you see a post requesting a service like yours, you can immediately reply to the poster with your email address and website link. Yes, this will mean monitoring the forums, but if you’ve got the time, why not?

6. Hire brand ambassadors

You can hire brand ambassadors or promoters to promote your product at places where your target market frequent. This can be in malls, shopping centres and even events.

Make sure that these ambassadors are a good representation of your brand and they understand your product well enough to sell it to somebody else.